As per the reports, Doro is ready with its first Android tablet which it would launch this year in the market. The target for this new product from Doro will be the elderly consumers so that they can easily use the new and modern devices. The device will run the companys Android skin, Doro Experience.
There will be a very simple user interface with some special applications. The users could access the contents shared by the other users so an elderly person can look at he photos sent by their children or grandchildren. As stated by the MD of Doro in UK, Chris Millington, this device will serve those who need a little bit of help while handling such modern devices.
This software need to be tested on the other Android tablets like Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9. This software will be given in the first Android smartphone of Doro, the PhoneEasy 740 which will have the launch in September or October this year.
The company is going to set its focus on the short term production of new Android devices. The company is awaiting the release of Windows 8 so that it could access its compatibility on mobile. The company is all set to cater to the needs of the elderly customers.
Via: First Android tablet from Doro is Ready to be Launched
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