Lenovo has come out with its latest product in the Android Tablet line, the IdeaTab S2109. The outward body of this tablet itself has attracted the users with its sleek curved appearance. It is only one-third inch thin. For the traveler it is a perfect gadget to be carried along as it is very light and weighs only 1.27 lbs thus it becomes one of the lightest 9.7 inch tablets in the market. For the multimedia use, this tablet has powerful processor and graphics as stated by the director of Innovation Product Operations, Lenovo, Yao Li.
According to Yao Li, the Ice Cream Sandwich OS and the other advanced features of this Android Tablet IdeaTab S2109 will be able to give the users the full liberty to work anywhere, anytime comfortably. The users have wide range of options to choose from. They can go sharing and using their favorite sites on the internet, go through the books online, watch the videos and to listen music online. Contents wise it offers much more than any other media could offer but it is very simple and amiable to use for users of every age and every spheres of life.
The company revealed various advanced features of the Android IdeaTab S2109 tablet. It is stunningly designed and has a very slim appearance. It has features like four SRS sound speakers, Micro HDMI output, a 9.7 inch IPD HD display which offers very bright images to the users, and it runs the new Google Android 4.0 operating system.
The standard of the multitasking gets high with the new Texas Instruments OMAP 4430 dual-core CPU in this tablet and the system memory of 1 GB. The users can get entertained with the bright images displayed while they work with videos, photos or plan for any downloads from the websites.
The users would find this newest tablet from Lenovo user friendly because of its easy to use interface and it allows the users to have customized contents and the users could easily access to the Lenovo App Shop and Android Market to search for a wide range of
popular applications.
This tablet from Lenovo offers battery life up to 10 hours so that the users can enjoy unlimited multimedia when they are moving or they can enjoy watching movies or videos. This tablet is being offered to the users at very affordable price of $349 and they can get them from June12.
Via: Lenovo IdeaTab S2109: A Review
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